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Magic of the moon
The Moon has always seemed a mysterious and powerful force to people everywhere. She moves the tides and guides the flow of magickal energies. Learning her ways, we can make our own magick join with Hers...
Successful magic depends on many factors. One of the most obvious things to consider is the timing of your spells and rituals with the phases of the Moon. When the Moon is waxing, it is growing larger in the sky. This phase lasts until the exact time of the Full Moon. From Full Moon to New Moon, is the waning phase where the Moon seems to disappear; until finally it is not visible to the eye for three nights. For this reason, this phase is sometimes called the Dark of the Moon or the Black Moon. Then the Moon starts once again to grow toward fullness.
The waxing Moon is the best time to do a spell for growth, beginning new projects, initiation and enhancement. During the waning Moon, do spells to banish evil influences, lessen or remove obstacles and illness, neutralize enemies, and to remove harm. The three days after the New Moon are the most powerful times to work spells for growth and beginnings which should manifest at the Full Moon. The days just before the Full Moon are the most powerful times for fruition and completion. The Black Moon is the most auspicious time for banishing and neutralizing spells. Remember that even though the Moon looks Full Moon in the sky for two or three nights, it is only EXACT at the time posted on your calendar. Anything after that time is a waning influence. Do your Full Moon spell before the exact time listed. (The First Quarter is the point between the New Moon and the Full Moon. The Last Quarter is the midpoint between the Full Moon and New Moon.)