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Free Spells

Please Note: The spells posted on this site are different from my spell kits. I never put the spells from my spell kits on the web.

To Free Yourself of Anger

Add 3 teaspoons of mint leaves to one cup of boiling water. Let the tea seep for 6 minutes and inhale the steam as the tea strengthens. Strain, sweeten with honey, and chant the following over the tea:

" Cool my anger, herb of mint.
Honey, sweeten my intent.
My attitude, I ask you, change.
Toss heat of anger out of range".

Drink the tea and feel your anger evaporate.

Thanks to : Dorothy Morrison

Love Bath

Water is the element for love; it is also Aphrodite's special element, so here is a special formula for a love bath. It may be taken alone or with someone you love. If you take it alone, it is wise to ask the Goddess of love, such as Aphrodite, Lakshmi, or Oshun, for the love that will make you the happiest and most fulfilled in the receiving and the giving.

Use one part of each of the following:
Lemon Verbena
Once the potion has been prepared and added to the bath water, add:
3 drops of Musk Oil
3 drops of Frangipani (Almond) Oil
# drops of Vanilla

Thanks to Phyllis Curott

Success Candle Spell

Mark an Orange  seven-day candle with your name, the word success the number 7, and a word for your goal. Also inscribe the candle with a picture of a  sun and on the bottom of the candle inscribe a star. Prepare a success oil from equal measurements of the following:

High John The Conqueror

Consecrate your candle with the prepared Success oil while visualizing your goal and your hand movement should be in a clockwise direction around the entire candle. Light the candle and place it in a safe place and let it burn for 7 days. Everyday at the same time focus your goal on it.